Root canal treatment becomes necessary when the pulp inside your tooth gets infected. The pulp is the soft tissue inside your tooth, home to connective tissues, blood vessels and nerves. The pulp goes from the crown of your tooth to the tip of the root in your jawbone. Normally, the tooth itself protects the pulp, but if the tooth is damaged by a very deep cavity, or a crack, or trauma from repeated repairs, bacteria can reach the pulp. Then the bacteria grow from the crown towards the root, pus accumulates at the root tips, and the mouth becomes painful and sensitive to hot and cold. Not all pulp infections bring pain; sometimes they spread so slowly that the patient feels nothing.
Dental and medical terminology
What is root canal treatment and when is it necessary?
What is root resection and how is it performed?
The duties of surgical endodontics include the removal of infected or inflamed tissue in the bone, exploring for fractures or canals in the roots that were not evident on x-rays, and cleaning and sealing the tip of the root canal which due to some type of obstruction was not possible during conventional endodontic treatment. In the root resection procedure, the gum and tooth are anesthetized. An incision is made in the gums and the untreatable, infected tissue is removed at the tip of the root. A small filling is then placed in the root tip and the gums are stitched back to its original position.
What is conscious sedation?
What happens before the conscious sedation?
Prior to dental treatments the anaesthetist informs the patient about the expected course of treatment, the possible complications, inquires about previous sicknesses, eventual medication (on the basis of the medical questionnaire to be filled out by the patient before the treatments).
For the sake of successful intervention we increased the security by well selected medication and professional staff using the latest technology. Our patients are required to fill out a medical form including all necessary information about previous sicknesses, hospitalized treatments, medication taken, allergies, experience from previous operations – anesthesia and have a personal consultation/examination.
We reserve the right to decide against the sedation keeping our patients’ best interest in mind when from an anesthesiologist’s point of view the intervention cannot be undertaken. We endeavour to find the safest solution for our patients.
What happens at the dentist’s surgery?
In order to maximize the security of the conscious sedation the anaesthetist will examine the patient and will answer all questions in details. The consent form is then mutually signed. The patient will be given a sedative.
During the intervention the patient will be inhaling a relaxing narcotic gas mixture through a mask under the continuous supervision of the anaesthetist. The depth of sedation can be altered according to the concentration of the gas. The pain-free treatment is guaranteed by the ensemble of dental anaesthetic and the inhaled gas mixture.
While the dentist and the nurse are focusing on the dental treatment, the anaesthetist is constantly observing the patient, the cardiac function, the pulse, the blood pressure, and level of blood-oxygen.
Important information to know prior to conscious sedation
In order to maximize the security of the conscious sedation patients are instructed not to consume any solid food 6 hours prior to the intervention and not to drink 4 hours prior to the intervention. The reason is that under sedation the level of consciousness decreases therefore swallowing and coughing cannot be controlled properly.
Important information to know after the conscious sedation
Sedated patients are observed at the clinic following the interventions for a given period of time. After the sedation patients are not advised to leave the clinic alone. Following the sedation alcoholic beverages are prohibited for 12-24 hours. Tranquilizers, sleeping pills and pain killers are only allowed by the doctor’s specific recommendation. Driving a car is not recommended to sedated patients. Patients are considered temporarily incapable after the sedation therefore they should be accompanied when leaving the clinic and are advised to rest for the rest of that day. That is why we recommend our patients to be accompanied by someone for the treatment. If this is not possible, we will do our best to know our patient is safe. (i.e. after the sedation we provide a bed and blanket to be able to rest, call a taxi and maintain a hotline with the hotel reception).
With our professional rules in view we wish to work up to our patients’ highest expectations therefore we would like to ask our patients to turn to us with any questions, concerns they might have. Do not leave any questions unanswered!
Prior to dental treatments the anaesthetist informs the patient about the expected course of treatment, the possible complications, inquires about previous sicknesses, eventual medication (on the basis of the medical questionnaire to be filled out by the patient before the treatments).
For the sake of successful intervention we increased the security by well selected medication and professional staff using the latest technology. Our patients are required to fill out a medical form including all necessary information about previous sicknesses, hospitalized treatments, medication taken, allergies, experience from previous operations – anesthesia and have a personal consultation/examination.
We reserve the right to decide against the sedation keeping our patients’ best interest in mind when from an anesthesiologist’s point of view the intervention cannot be undertaken. We endeavour to find the safest solution for our patients.
What happens at the dentist’s surgery?
In order to maximize the security of the conscious sedation the anaesthetist will examine the patient and will answer all questions in details. The consent form is then mutually signed. The patient will be given a sedative.
During the intervention the patient will be inhaling a relaxing narcotic gas mixture through a mask under the continuous supervision of the anaesthetist. The depth of sedation can be altered according to the concentration of the gas. The pain-free treatment is guaranteed by the ensemble of dental anaesthetic and the inhaled gas mixture.
While the dentist and the nurse are focusing on the dental treatment, the anaesthetist is constantly observing the patient, the cardiac function, the pulse, the blood pressure, and level of blood-oxygen.
Important information to know prior to conscious sedation
In order to maximize the security of the conscious sedation patients are instructed not to consume any solid food 6 hours prior to the intervention and not to drink 4 hours prior to the intervention. The reason is that under sedation the level of consciousness decreases therefore swallowing and coughing cannot be controlled properly.
Important information to know after the conscious sedation
Sedated patients are observed at the clinic following the interventions for a given period of time. After the sedation patients are not advised to leave the clinic alone. Following the sedation alcoholic beverages are prohibited for 12-24 hours. Tranquilizers, sleeping pills and pain killers are only allowed by the doctor’s specific recommendation. Driving a car is not recommended to sedated patients. Patients are considered temporarily incapable after the sedation therefore they should be accompanied when leaving the clinic and are advised to rest for the rest of that day. That is why we recommend our patients to be accompanied by someone for the treatment. If this is not possible, we will do our best to know our patient is safe. (i.e. after the sedation we provide a bed and blanket to be able to rest, call a taxi and maintain a hotline with the hotel reception).
With our professional rules in view we wish to work up to our patients’ highest expectations therefore we would like to ask our patients to turn to us with any questions, concerns they might have. Do not leave any questions unanswered!
What is pain-free dental care?
Our dentists use revolutionary new technology.
You'll be pleasantly surprised!
Milestone Scientifics' computer controlled local anaesthetic delivery system eliminates the pain you can feel from an injection. VitalEurope has invested in this state-of-the art equipment from the US which turns numbing into a pleasant experience. Our patients can now choose the Milestone Scientific painless injection system. It doesn't look like a syringe. It doesn't feel like a syringe. It looks more like a pen and supplies the anaesthetic in a slow, easy manner making the process virtually pain-free.
This equipment provides a comfortable, predictable and controllable alternative to traditional syringes, and can be beneficial in just about any situation requiring an anaesthetic injection.
Patient reactions are highly favourable and they report a quicker onset of anaesthesia, and a more profound, but shorter lasting effect. They are amazed to feel no pain, even in those areas of the mouth which might have been expected to be sensitive. This means that for a typical procedure, it anaesthetizes faster, better and also reduces patient anxiety.
Pain-Free anaesthesia is administered by a high-tech equipment based on the Milestone Scientific technology in the US.The Wand is a revolutionary new computer controlled local anesthesia injection system that can provide a more comfortable and effective anesthetic delivery.
Whether needles make you nervous or not, this equipment allows a more predicably, comfortable injection, especially in the more sensitive areas such as the palate or front of the mouth. It also allows the use of less anesthetic and at certain times, techniques can be used to eliminate the collateral numbing of your face, tongue and lips.
The needle is not what causes the main discomfort of an injection. It is the pressure and volume of the fluid going into the tissues. The microprocessor inside the tool automatically compensates for different tissue densities. The anesthetic is delivered at a constant pressure and volume that's typically below the threshold of pain.
The computer also provides a flow of anesthetic directly ahead of the needle. This numbs the site of insertion and develops a "pathway of anesthesia" so you hardly feel the needle at all. The Wand delivers the anesthetic at an optimal flow rate for a comfortable injection every time. The tiny needle is in the pen-like handpiece so patients don't even see the syringe! Pain-free anesthetic is only avaliable at our Budapest clinic.
You'll be pleasantly surprised!
Milestone Scientifics' computer controlled local anaesthetic delivery system eliminates the pain you can feel from an injection. VitalEurope has invested in this state-of-the art equipment from the US which turns numbing into a pleasant experience. Our patients can now choose the Milestone Scientific painless injection system. It doesn't look like a syringe. It doesn't feel like a syringe. It looks more like a pen and supplies the anaesthetic in a slow, easy manner making the process virtually pain-free.
This equipment provides a comfortable, predictable and controllable alternative to traditional syringes, and can be beneficial in just about any situation requiring an anaesthetic injection.
Patient reactions are highly favourable and they report a quicker onset of anaesthesia, and a more profound, but shorter lasting effect. They are amazed to feel no pain, even in those areas of the mouth which might have been expected to be sensitive. This means that for a typical procedure, it anaesthetizes faster, better and also reduces patient anxiety.
Pain-Free anaesthesia is administered by a high-tech equipment based on the Milestone Scientific technology in the US.The Wand is a revolutionary new computer controlled local anesthesia injection system that can provide a more comfortable and effective anesthetic delivery.
Whether needles make you nervous or not, this equipment allows a more predicably, comfortable injection, especially in the more sensitive areas such as the palate or front of the mouth. It also allows the use of less anesthetic and at certain times, techniques can be used to eliminate the collateral numbing of your face, tongue and lips.
The needle is not what causes the main discomfort of an injection. It is the pressure and volume of the fluid going into the tissues. The microprocessor inside the tool automatically compensates for different tissue densities. The anesthetic is delivered at a constant pressure and volume that's typically below the threshold of pain.
The computer also provides a flow of anesthetic directly ahead of the needle. This numbs the site of insertion and develops a "pathway of anesthesia" so you hardly feel the needle at all. The Wand delivers the anesthetic at an optimal flow rate for a comfortable injection every time. The tiny needle is in the pen-like handpiece so patients don't even see the syringe! Pain-free anesthetic is only avaliable at our Budapest clinic.
What are the typical doses from dental screening procedures?
Procedures | Doses |
Full mouth set | 80 μsV |
Lateral Ceph | 2 μsV |
OPG (panoramic x-ray) | 16 μsV |
Cone beam CT - single jaw | 32 μsV |
Cone beam CT - both jaws | 42 μsV |
Medical CT scan - both jaws | 2,100 μsV |
Dental CT scan - both jaws | 600 μsV |
The average annual radiation dose in the UK is about 2,800 μsV per person.
What is a sinus lift?
In the upper jaw above the back teeth, it is possible to increase the height of bone available. This procedure is called ‘sinus augmentation or sinus lift’ and it involves lifting the sinus membrane and completing the gained space by bonelike material. Without this process many patients would be unable to have dental implants in a part of the mouth where teeth are so commonly missing.
What is periodontal curettage and when is it necessary?
This treatment is the cleaning of dental pockets. Both type the open and closed curettage are very important steps to treat peridontitist and to stop gum recession.
What is the difference between open and closed curettage?
Closed curettage is a simple procedure during which the dentist or the dental hygienist cleans the surrounding tissue with special instruments.
Open curettage is performed only by the dentist or a surgeon. Under local aenesthetic the gum is cut, the pockets become visible and this way it is easier to clean them. After the operation the gum is replaced and fixed with stitches which are removed after 10 days. Open curettage is more effective but the aesthetic result are not always as good as expected.
Open curettage is performed only by the dentist or a surgeon. Under local aenesthetic the gum is cut, the pockets become visible and this way it is easier to clean them. After the operation the gum is replaced and fixed with stitches which are removed after 10 days. Open curettage is more effective but the aesthetic result are not always as good as expected.