In order to replace missing teeth on the upper or lower jawbone, patients can receive dentures. This removable solution can solve aesthetic and functional problems alike. The denture is made of plastic, hence it requires thorough cleaning every day.
What is a denture?
When do I need a denture?
Dentures are the go-to solution for people who lack the required bone capacity to have dental implants, or implant retained dentures. Our teeth play a crucial role in the way we eat and speak, so replacing them is important to maintain our quality of life.
What is an implant retained denture?
It is a semi-fix solution for toothless patients which is fixed on dental implants, therefore does not move while eating or speaking. Depending on the patient’s bone quality the denture can be fixed usually on 4 implants. This is a very stable and comfortable solution, which can be removed to have it properly cleaned.
When do I need an implant retained denture?
When someone loses all of their teeth the main priority is to replace them. The reasons are both functional and aesthetic. Without teeth it is difficult to bite, chew and enjoy delicious meals. It also affects one's confidence to smile. Implant retained denture restores ability to eat and smile confidently. The most important condition of receiving an implant retained denture is bone quality and quantity. This is a question of genetics, oral hygiene and also how soon the patient receives the implants after losing the teeth. The longer the patient is without implants the higher the chances that the bone will shrink by time.
Implant retained denture
How is a denture made?
Each denture is custom-made in order to fit the owner. The treatment involves several impressions and bite registrations taken, to make sure that the final product is perfect. The treatment requires usually 5 working days.
How is an implant retained denture made?
The first step is to fit the implants into the jawbone. The implants require approximately 6 months to integrate with the bone material to give a stable base for the denture later on. The teeth are made of acrylic with metallic support. Patients pick the colour and the shape of the new teeth together with the dentist to make sure that the final result meets the patient’s expectations. The two visits take 3 and 10 workingdays respectively. During the 3 day visit we fit the implants, and the 10 day visit is needed to prepare and fit the denture. During the 6 months healing time patients can wear a temporary solution.
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